Stunt Watch: Black History Month 2024 brings hits, Heinz and misses

Burberry’s return to British tradition is aptly understated

KitKat uses AI testing to highlight the importance of a proper break

Coca-Cola is everywhere, but Uncommon ensures it’s not overlooked

Uncommon’s Ecover ad gets simple messaging right
The new press series depicts clothing labels with sustainable washing instructions encouraging readers to ‘wash less’ and its minimalist stylings help enhance the message

Burger King courts controversy, but creatives rally in support
The Burger King 'Bundles of Joy' ad has to be one of the most divisive advertising campaigns of recent times—but the creative industry has come out in support

IKEA’s latest ads laud the slumber-promoting virtues of its cosy furniture

Breaking down taboos with a game of dominoes

That ENGINE gin everyone’s talking about, but for how long?