Audi takes flight in latest OOH, showing performance in a new light

KFC proves stats needn’t be dull

Diesel masters integrated cultural marketing

Uber Eats taps into meme culture for Charli XCX ad

Neutrogena jumps on organic social phrasing
Neutrogena has embraced its 'Main Character Energy' in its latest ad by Ogilvy, which follows in a long line of brands hopping on memetic phrases

Adidas’ creative direction shows it understands motivation
Two sports brand behemoths, Nike and Adidas, are growing more philosophically distinct. Oana Leonte, founder of Unmtchd, examines their unique messaging

Creative Corner: a nod to our furry friends

Harry Redknapp returns for a third season of Should've Gone to Specsavers' conceptual content series

Bridget Jones’s comeback has created a unique cultural moment