Coca-Cola is everywhere, but Uncommon ensures it’s not overlooked

Coca-Cola is everywhere, but Uncommon ensures it’s not overlooked

A new ad campaign by Uncommon Creative Studio for Coca-Cola ensures the brand's ubiquity isn’t taken for granted.

For me, a great product is one you’d buy even if you were a billionaire. On my list would be Heinz Ketchup, Van’s shoes, and, yes, Coca-Cola.

The problem for Coca-Cola, however, is it can be a victim of its own success when it comes to advertising. Its timeless logo plasters billboards worldwide, and its slogans ‘Coke is it’, ‘Always Coca-Cola’, etc are designed to sink into your subconscious, presumably because if you dwell on them for more than a second, they don’t really mean… anything.

Far be it for me to question this marketing tactic’s utility, but it seems in recent years Coca-Cola has been keen to subvert its ‘Pavlovian response’ approach to advertising by actually making viewers stop and think about the product.

The campaign celebrates Norway’s love for tacos by depicting unfiltered moments showing how Coca-Cola seamlessly fits into taco culture. No logos are used but, instead, Coca-Cola’s branding is highlighted in its iconic red to make viewers dwell on how its appeal is often taken for granted.


Agency: Uncommon Stockholm
Frederik Trovatten
Production Company:
Image credits:

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