Creative Corner World Cup Special: Colours of Love, flags as blankets and Crouchy's Classics

Welcome to this week’s Creative Corner!
And thank you to everyone who has sent their suggestions to us over the last couple of weeks. It’s genuinely one of the best parts of doing this column - getting the chance to see and discuss great work with some of the best PRs in the business - and I feel very fortunate to have that opportunity on an (almost) weekly basis.
Enough of the mushy stuff, what have we all been up to this week?!
I (can’t) see a rainbow
As you might expect, there’s been plenty of creative protest from brands this week ahead of the World Cup in Qatar, but this effort from Pantone caught our attention.
The brand that ‘owns’ colour has stripped them from a new shirt and flag to in a powerful move to highlight Qatar’s homophobic laws and attitudes as part of its #ColorsOfLove campaign.
The video here is well worth a watch and thanks to Frederico Roberto for bringing it to our attention!
All flagged up
I apologise for the lazy wordplay there, but this bit of silliness was shared with me by Lousie Parker on Twitter earlier in the week - the world’s first warm flag.
What’s a warm flag, you ask? Well given football fans are having to watch their national teams in the depths of winter, wrapping themselves in an ordinary flag wouldn’t do, so the blanket flag was born.
Now there’s no excuse not to hit the beer garden for a game or two!

Crouchy conducts the classics
Everything feels really serious right now, doesn’t it? Which is why this from Paddy Power gave me a much needed smile this week. Being creative should be fun and this is exactly that.
I don’t know about you, but I didn’t have ‘Peter Crouch does Christmas-style football chants cover album with special guest Paul Potts’ on my bingo card for the rest of 2022! But I am so glad he has because for me it’s the right mix of frivolity and feels, especially as Paddy Power is donating 100% of the profits to Stonewall to fight LGBTQ+ oppression in Qatar.
You can read about the campaign in more detail here.
That's all folks.
If you’re launching anything exciting over the next few weeks or spot a campaign online that you love please send it our way -, and or you can find us on Twitter @TomGibbon_, @RichLeighPR and @Welsh_PR
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