Creative Corner: He's Coming Home, Little Miss Waste Less and Festive Bake Brunch

Hello, hello and welcome back to Creative Corner! Hands up who’s already eaten all the windows on their/their kid's advent calendars…
We’ll soon be knee-deep in Christmas creativity, but before that wave hits let’s check out what’s caught my eye this week.
He’s Coming Home
Well, I couldn’t not include this powerful piece from Women’s Aid this week, could I? Launched to coincide with the Qatar World Cup, the charity’s ad campaign highlights the horrifying increase in football-related domestic abuse.
Studies have shown that domestic violence increases 38% after matches - with losses, draws, and wins all catalysts - and to highlight this devastating figure, Women’s Aid created huge England flags on homes emblazoned with phrases like ‘He’s Coming Home’, ‘She Loses Every Time’, and ‘No More Years of Hurt’.
The campaign has been covered by every major media outlet and shared countless times on social media platforms so to say it’s cut through is an understatement.
Great work from everyone involved.
Little Miss Waste Less
How cute is this from Ecover?!
A brand new character for the Mr Men and Little Miss series, which has been around since 1971, is a stroke of creative brilliance for the green cleaning brand.
The book, written by Adam Hargreaves, son of original creator Roger Hargreaves, was launched alongside stats highlighting how much parents worry about being eco-conscious and how their kids directly influence their sustainable habits.
Free printed copies of the book are available with Ecover purchases but there’s also a free digital version for people to access, giving them the perfect asset for journalists to link back to in their coverage of the launch.
I do love a campaign that dots the i’s and crosses the t’s like that, and can’t wait to read it to my own Little Miss.

Festive Bake Brunch
I think it’s fair to say that Greggs has been killing it in the creative brand department of late, and the official launch of its Festive Bake this year was no exception.
Agency Hope & Glory PR and the in-house team at Greggs played a blinder with a Newcastle-based brunch event in collaboration with Hunsnet filled with Festive Bakes, branded wrapping paper and decorations, and something called a ‘Sausage Roll Sour’ to wash it all down.
I love a good influencer launch event and this one sounds like a flipping (on-brand and very impactful) blast. Not jealous at all…
Spotted via Sarah Waddington on LinkedIn, who was lucky enough to be there!
Newcastle, are you ready for Festive Bake Brunch? Because we’re ready for you
— Greggs (@GreggsOfficial) November 26, 2022
If you’re launching anything exciting over the next few weeks, or spot a campaign online that you love, please send it our way.
Email,, and, or you can
find us on Twitter @Welsh_PR, @TomGibbon_, and @RichLeighPR.
Catch you next week.
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