F Cancer, Liquid Death and Corona Island are thrown together in Creative Corner this week

F Cancer, Liquid Death and Corona Island are thrown together in Creative Corner this week

Fanclub's Paul Lucas produces an eclectic mix of creative work for your perusal involving picking up poop, drinking for two and an island getaway for beer-lovers.

Happy Friday and a warm sunny welcome to Creative Corner.

I tend to like a theme but much like the weather, three degrees one day, 19 degrees the next - what’s that all about? - I’m going a bit all over the place this week. So read on for three campaigns that grabbed my attention. 

A campaign from F Cancer that as a dog owner makes you think F yeah, another typically provocative campaign from Liquid Death and fitting for a sunny day, Corona Island.

Pick up your Poop

Now I’ve got a dog and he is quite a big dog. He likes a couple of good walks a day and, like most dogs, when it comes to doing the business he is regular as clockwork. And yes, that means you can find me, no questions asked, carrying his business to the nearest bin in southeast London on a regular basis. Which is why the F Cancer campaign “Pick Up Your Poop” caught my eye.

F Cancer is a non-profit dedicated to early cancer detection and prevention in the States, and during Colon Cancer Awareness month, "Pick up Your Poop", raises the point that dog owners readily pick up their animal’s doo-doo but remain squeamish about their own—in spite of the fact that taking a simple screening test at home can provide information that could help save their lives.

The campaign is delivered by real dogs using CGI as they wryly talk us through the absurdity of why we wouldn’t pick up our own poop when you think nothing of picking up your pooch’s. And if you don’t believe the dog in the ad, the campaign includes the option to upload a photo of your own or a friend’s dog to: pickupyourpoop.com so that you can listen to them telling you to get screened. A clever addition to help dogs across the nation spread the word.

Everyone knows a pet can crack the hardest shell and this campaign delivers.

Kegs for Pregs

Liquid Death, arguably as well known for its, at times, bonkers marketing as it is for its eco-friendly packaged natural drinks, has struck editorial gold once again with its latest offering.

Set in a bar, the new ‘ad spot’ centres on a heavily pregnant Kylie Kelce, podcaster and wife of former NFL player Jason Kelce.

The spot opens on a bouncer checking sonograms before letting customers in with comments such as: “It’s a … boy? Either way, best to stay hydrated.”

As Kylie and her belly prop up the bar, a customer challenges her about drinking in her delicate condition, at which she gleefully exclaims. “I’ve had so many of these tonight,” hoisting a pint glass in the air, slightly slurring her words. “I wish they would make a huge keg.”

The banter continues as Kylie shows off a massive water keg, saying, "All for me and my unborn child! Drink up!" Cue the jingle "Kegs for pregs, you're drinking for two", followed by a bunch of pregnant women dancing while sipping the water.

The commercial ends with her getting pulled over by a police officer, where she humorously states, "Why yes officer, I have been drinking... for two."

The kegs — of which only a few hundred were made — will be available for $20 exclusively through the brand’s website while supplies last.

Typically provoking, the campaign has all the ingredients to transcend owned, earned and paid and is already securing a tonne of editorial as it comes just before Kylie and her husband prepare to welcome their fourth child.

Corona Island

I’ll be honest, as I look at the sun streaming through the office window, I’d rather be sitting on an island sipping from a bottle of ice-cold beer right now. A distant dream perhaps, but not if you take Corona up on its latest offering it isn’t.

Brewed with natural ingredients, Corona has long associated itself with nature-inspired experiences - I remember the beach bar made from sand in Cornwall for example - but its latest campaign takes it to the next level.

Corona Island is literally that—a pristine getaway located 20 km (12 mi) southwest of Cartagena, off the coast of Colombia, accessible only by boat which lovers of the beer can now book via major travel booking sites. The destination is billed as the epitome of the beer giant brand’s “dedication to living in harmony with nature” and the chance to “disconnect from daily life and reconnect with nature”.

Corona Island features 10 premium waterfront bungalows, each with its own jacuzzi, nestled amongst tropical forests and beaches offering all-inclusive overnight stays for two people per bungalow, alongside a limited number of all-inclusive day trip passes. Food is served with an emphasis on local ingredients and of course can be washed down with a choice of the full suite of Corona products, including Corona Extra and Corona Cero.

Guests will also get to enjoy a variety of relaxation and eco-conscious activities such as yoga, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking and snorkelling to restore coral reefs and mangrove planting for ecosystem reforestation.

As headline-grabbing as an island named after a beer brand can be, this is, however, no mere stunt. Corona Island has actually been part of the brand since 2021 accessible on an invite-only basis. Speaking about the brand’s commitment Clarissa Pantoja, global vice president of Corona said: “The inspiration to build this experience stems from Corona’s long-standing commitment to nature and is a physical manifestation of our vision for eco-friendly tourism and conservation efforts. Given its success, Corona now welcomes eco-conscious travellers from around the world to experience the island and truly disconnect to reconnect with nature.”

In a world of short-term gain and here today gone tomorrow stunts, Corona Island is certainly a refreshing change. Now, pass me that beer.

Well, that’s it for another week!

As ever, if you’re launching something that deserves a spot in Creative Corner, or have seen a campaign you just love, please do share it with us. Email paul.lucas@fanclubpr.com

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