IKEA’s latest ads laud the slumber-promoting virtues of its cosy furniture

IKEA’s latest ads laud the slumber-promoting virtues of its cosy furniture

IKEA’s latest ads laud the slumber-promoting virtues of its cosy furniture, because more time spent sleeping means fewer carbon emissions.

Of all the lifestyle changes we’re jostled into making to lessen our carbon emissions, more time spent kipping is one I can really get on board with.

IKEA’s latest spate of ads, by Sancho BBDO, depict dimly lit abodes with models lying in a state of rest atop various comfy items from the Swedish furniture manufacturer’s range.

The captions refer to the power savings one can expect by simply falling asleep, rather than being engrossed in an electricity-rich task, such as binge-watching a show or taking part in a video call.

The ads, of course, are partly tongue-in-cheek, but that doesn’t mean they’re conceitful. It’s hard to argue with the campaign’s premise: perhaps the most carbon-friendly thing we can do as individuals is… indulge in a bit more napping?

IKEA is keen on kipping

This isn’t the first IKEA campaign to monopolise on our innate need to catch a few zzzs. The IKEA Complete Sleep campaign by Memac Ogilvy Dubai is set in plush, quiet and cosy bedrooms, and features an infomercial-style voiceover, which quickly fades into barely suppressed yawns, as he succumbs to his sleepy desires.

IKEA’s "Wonderful Everyday" campaigns, meanwhile, also focus on the importance of sleep and how its products, from mattresses to blackout curtains, help create the perfect sleep environment.

Sleep, then, is a powerful sell, and a much-used tool in IKEA’s creative arsenal: great for your wellbeing, and great for the planet.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I might go and recline a little.


Country: Colombia
Year: 2024
Brand: IKEA
Advertising Agency: Sancho BBDO
Production Company: Sancho BBDO, Bogotá, Colombia
General Creative Director: Daniel Álvarez Arango
General Creative Director: Jhonny Victoria
Executive Creative Director: Juan Fernando Alba
Executive Creative Director: Jose Ariel Hernández Jurado
Creative Director Copywriter: Fernando Guevara
Art Director: Fredy Beltrán Tavera
Photographer: Gilber Franco

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