A craic-er of an idea for St Patrick’s Day

Creating a visceral campaign on pregnancy and maternity discrimination

UN Women UK IWD campaign urges the country to take action on gender equality

Stunt Watch: Mummy Pig’s pregnancy, Netflix’s Toxic Town billboards and Democrats’ Trump protest

Powerful reminders of everyday issues are at the heart of this week's Creative Corner
Fanclub PR's Paul Lucas highlights pollution, child bullying, and, as we approach International Women’s Day, women’s safety

Uncommon challenges beauty standards in ‘oat dress’ follow up
Oats are appealing regardless of their flaws, and Quaker Oats and Uncommon are underscoring a wider message with a campaign that follows on from their London Fashion Week stunt

Quaker Oats and Uncommon hijack London Fashion Week with a dress made from porridge

Stunt Watch: AI makes a splash in UK press, Aldi does London Fashion Week and Ikea propositions customers

Creative Corner: Make it FAIR, silent musicians and a little comic relief