Phone, wallet, keys, copywriter...

Phone, wallet, keys, copywriter...

Never leave the house without a good copywriter stuffed in your back pocket. Just ask YETI, whose recent campaign features a decidedly sticky bit of syntactic behavioural conditioning.

My adventures in flask stewardship have been a mixed bag. Sipping a thermally-elevated libation for a full afternoon of Teams meetings is certainly a worthy upgrade from rummaging the work cupboards for a gargantuan Sports Direct goblet left behind by a long-forgotten temp.

The accompanying eco credentials, meanwhile, also warm me with a tangible sense of smug: tempered only by a vexing incident in which the flask’s Nespresso-squeezed contents spilt indiscriminately into my gym bag, tie dying the crisp white gym linens therein.

I’m reliably informed that such egregious spillages are studiously avoided by YETI’s rigorous product design process, so perhaps an upgrade is due. In the meantime, let’s examine the company’s equally tight copy architecture:

Product positioning

While you might get away with waffling jovially in an online feature (ahem), such textual luxuries have no place in the ruthless world of billboard advertising.

Memorable advertising copy should be original, imaginative, and unexpected. 

By subverting a common mantra – namely the final check for essentials before leaving the house – YETI is placing its product at the centre of customer’s lives.

This is all achieved straightforwardly, avoiding ambiguity or confusion, and crossing a near-universal demographic. All using just four words.

Humour and relatability are also employed, with YETI acknowledging a common ‘note to self’ ritual we’re all used to in our everyday lives.

The four words also double as a call to action: remember to carry a flask around, as it’ll save you a few bob in coffee bills, while saving a tree or two over your lifespan.

Creative Team: Brooke Frazier & Ryan Romero
Creative Leads:
Mike Schnëberg & Carlos Rangel

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