The ‘cinematic’ advert trend continues as Powerade enters Olympic mode

Dove’s anti-AI stance appeals beyond its target audience

Notes by the Nation: Samsung shows off the creative capabilities of the new Galaxy Tab Series

When music and fashion merge: Tyler the Creator’s Louis Vuitton range

Prada is the latest mega brand to get the Glazer treatment, but what does it all mean?
Jonathan Glazer, the Oscar-winning filmmaker behind "Under the Skin," has reunited with Scarlett Johansson for a new project that draws on Shakespearean verse and leads us to reflect on the deeper meaning

Brands are bravely busting butt taboos
Prost8 and Andrex have released adverts in the same week, both aimed at removing apprehensions about butt-related anxieties

World’s most expensive hand model confirmed

SiriusXM encapsulates the power of music throughout our lives

Peachaus embraces fear, laughter and underwear in its Naked Talks