Michael Cera uses his acting skills to send-up skincare brand CeraVe in popular Super Bowl ad

Uber Eats drops an A-lister mega load for Superbowl

Steal Artois Collection: Stella Artois embraces the sin few will admit

Beyoncé and Taylor Swift raise timing questions following Super Bowl and Grammy stunts

PR Stunt Watch: Netflix's Griselda, Kotex's Valentine's Day gift and Lush makes Saltburn bathbombs
Kim Allain shares her thoughts on Netflix's Griselda snorting in the street, Kotex encouraging period sex and Lush's Saltburn bath bombs

Adidas shoots and scores (of course) with its latest launch
The elite and iconic Predator is back...

Squarespace and Adobe share their 2024 trends

HP acknowledges printer frustration in its ‘Made to be less hated’ campaign

Ads that sell, entertain and don't compromise on effectiveness